Thursday, June 25, 2009

Triskelion Meeting Notes - June 25, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

“Summer Time Blues”

Summer time blues are often brought on by too much work and not enough time to play outdoors. And even when we have had time to be outdoors the constant bombardment of storms and bad weather has interrupted our plans and added to our blues. One cure for the summer time blues caused by the bad weather was to use the time indoors to work on our Toastmaster speeches!

Ed Johnson gave a highly technical and advanced (beyond 12 minute) speech on the history and impact of “Five Equations that Changed the World”. This was definitely subject matter that was meant to be presented by a professional engineer like Ed. Ed didn’t recommend that women use this information at a cocktail party to impress the men but he suggested that knowing and sharing this information with our children would be a way to impress them.

Don Lyman evaluated Ed’s speech. Don reminded all of us that a speech ending should be strong and conclusive.

Dan Pratt presented table topics asking us to recall good or bad memories about moving. Our newest member Laura Drury and guest Jeff Johns graciously volunteered along with Dave Trzupek and Linda Holm. Jeff John was voted best table topic with his story about moving without actually moving in order to rid his home of termites!

Many thanks go to Krystyna Noworytta and Doris Steffe.

Krystyna handled multiple roles of General Evaluator and Ah counter and Grammarian. Doris did an outstanding job as timer.

I asked for volunteers for Toastmaster for the next meeting.

Remember the Triskelion Toastmaster picnic being hosted by our president, Connie Pshigoda on July 17, 2009.

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