Thursday, May 22, 2008

Meeting Notes: May 22nd, 2008

Connie Pshigoda was our sole speaker for today's meeting.  Connie gave us an entertaining speech on "Hank the Cowdog".   Connie's pan-handle accent helped bring the story to life.  Her delivery was, as ever, very polished.

We did not have a second speech, but instead had elections.  We elected a slate of officers, see Mike's address below.  I am pleased to see the leadership spread to Don Lyman, Cary Bradley, Tracy Goodman, Nathan Wilkes, and Dan Pratt.  We have a good mix of veteran officers and new officers.  I expect that this will keep the club on course to achieving our goals, and keep the club membership healthy.

Next weeks roles were as follows....

Eric WalesToastmaster
OpenGeneral Evaluator
Mike AngellSpeaker #1
Karen LangSpeaker #2
Dan PrattEvaluator #1
Janet ReeseEvaluator #2
Don LymanTable Topics
Mikael RothTimer
Connie PshigodaGrammarian
OpenWord of the Day

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Inaugural Address

Fellow Toastmasters


We had elections today.  I offer a warm thanks to all our outgoing officers who did a good job in getting us where we are today.  A special thanks to Eric for guiding the ship this past year.  We would not be here today without their dedication and work.  I extend a special welcome to the new club officers.  Here is your line up:

Mike Angell - President
Nick Samoylov - VP Membership
Karen Lang - VP Education
Nate Wilkes - VP Public Relations
Don Lyman - Webmaster
Secretary - Cary Bradley
Treasurer - Tracy Goodman
Sergeant at Arms - Dan "The enforcer" Pratt

It is an honor and privilege to serve as your president elect.  Here's my personal mission statement:

1.  Service Leadership
"Let he who would be the greatest among you serve the rest."  Good leaders do not come to be served, but to serve.  My duty is to serve the best interests of the club and its members. 

2.  Develop Membership
My goal is to promote personal development by helping club members reach their individual goals.

3.  Have Fun
All work and no play makes for a dull club.  We're a fun club now.  Let's continue to support that!

4.  Nurture
Toastmasters should be a safe, nurturing, supportive environment where people feel as though they are among friends.  My goal is to build the confidence of each members, whatever their level of skill

I encourage all of you to send me ideas about how we can improve the club this year.  At the end of the day, I'm only the leader.  It's your club.  Let's strive for excellence in the coming year. 

Best regards

Mike Angell

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Meeting Ode

The Ides of May

The Ides of May
Are upon us
Spring is here
And New life dawns

A little sunshine
a little rain
both received
this glorious day

Karen Lang
was the Toastmaster
Bluebirds sang
from alabaster

Speaker One
Mister Don
gave his icebreaker
with dance and song

Speaker two
Cary Bradley
spoke of her mum
we hearkened gladly

was Mister Gary
What a pal

Eval one
and Eval two
were Miss Connie
and you know who

Table Topics
by The John Wierzba
he spun his tales
and received loud cheers.  Ya!

That's all for now
See you next week
We all excel
as each one speaks


Thursday, May 8, 2008

May Showers

May Showers

May Showers are here
Snow coming down
Old Man Winter
Is still in town

Slick Roads, yes
and icy streets
turn on those fog lights!
and turn up the heat!

Toasty Toastmasters
warm in their room
Did give eloquent speeches
their voices did boom

Come on there now
give us a grin
t'will soon be springtime
and flowers begin

To bloom and unfold
with quaint butterflies
emerge from cocoons
and take to the skies

Bees and their honey
sweeten our palate
kids and vacations
lighten our wallet!

Springtime in Colorado
Is but a moment away
So keep on, Toastmasters
plugging away

~MPA 05-01-08

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Meeting Notes - MAY DAY

"If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to witness it does it make a sound?"

Does the observer alter the event?  Does an event occur if it is not observed?  Is observation of the results of an event justification for the assertion that it occurred?

Nick gave an interesting speech on Physics and the mis-application of Quantum Mechanics.  If I got it right, Quantum Mechanics is made up of a group of math formulas that describe events in the microscopic world.  These events behave in some strange ways when interpolated to our macroscopic world.  All x-scopic worlds are based upon the perception of the perceiver.  As a result of these dizzying perceptions many pop science, and pop psychologists have misused the strange interpretations to describe experiences that we create from our own perceptions .  We make our own reality, and justify it with the best explanations physicists provide at cocktail parties.  Nick suggested that they all should, STOP!, because they are just anamorphising a bunch of mathematical formulas.

I think I just made up a bunch of new words, and perhaps a theory or two while misrepresenting what Nick said.

After that I continued my run of stumping people with Table Topic questions.  Apparently, my mind just works differently than others.  My wife reminds me of this from time to time. 

Next week....

Deron is Toastmaster

Eric Wales will give his Ice-Breaker

Eric Peterson will Evaluate Eric

We need lots of volunteers to fill....
General Evaluator
Speech #2
Evaluator #2

Table Topics

Word of the Day

Ah, Grammarian, Timer, Joke of the Day, Applause Captain, and Hookman.


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