Thursday, May 22, 2008

Inaugural Address

Fellow Toastmasters


We had elections today.  I offer a warm thanks to all our outgoing officers who did a good job in getting us where we are today.  A special thanks to Eric for guiding the ship this past year.  We would not be here today without their dedication and work.  I extend a special welcome to the new club officers.  Here is your line up:

Mike Angell - President
Nick Samoylov - VP Membership
Karen Lang - VP Education
Nate Wilkes - VP Public Relations
Don Lyman - Webmaster
Secretary - Cary Bradley
Treasurer - Tracy Goodman
Sergeant at Arms - Dan "The enforcer" Pratt

It is an honor and privilege to serve as your president elect.  Here's my personal mission statement:

1.  Service Leadership
"Let he who would be the greatest among you serve the rest."  Good leaders do not come to be served, but to serve.  My duty is to serve the best interests of the club and its members. 

2.  Develop Membership
My goal is to promote personal development by helping club members reach their individual goals.

3.  Have Fun
All work and no play makes for a dull club.  We're a fun club now.  Let's continue to support that!

4.  Nurture
Toastmasters should be a safe, nurturing, supportive environment where people feel as though they are among friends.  My goal is to build the confidence of each members, whatever their level of skill

I encourage all of you to send me ideas about how we can improve the club this year.  At the end of the day, I'm only the leader.  It's your club.  Let's strive for excellence in the coming year. 

Best regards

Mike Angell

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