Sunday, February 21, 2010

Triskelion Toastmasters Meeting Notes - February 18, 2010

Fellow Toastmasters,

We were pleased to have two speakers at our last meeting. Tony Pollack gave his icebreaker speech and we got to know him better. He has a wonderful family and career, but with advanced responsibilities in his job, he’s looking to advance his presentation skills. He knows pressure, though, as he told of his courtship of his wife, whose father is a prominent Colorado politician. Welcome, Tony!

Don Lyman was our second speaker, and inspired us with a hero’s story. Although the story was about a mythical character, the principles taught can have relevance in our lives. He challenged us to develop qualities that would allow us to meet the call to adventure, to seek a mentor, take action and not deviate from the ultimate goal. This was Don’s 10th speech, so he will be moving on to the advanced manuals. Congratulations!

Our evaluators were Krystyna Noworytta and Gary Fuller.

Krystyna presented table topics, which were based on the Olympics. What kind of flying vegetable would you like to be?

Tony won best speaker and Gary won both best evaluator and table topic speaker.

Although we didn’t have a formal vote, it seems that everyone agrees that we should have meetings every other week – probably on the first and third Thursdays. Anyone who strongly objects should contact Connie. I plan on occupying our normal room at least for the next few months during the normally scheduled time, but won’t set up all the props. I would be glad to sponsor mentoring or practice sessions for anyone wanting to use the room for that.

I announced that we would have a table topic speech contest, probably on March 18. The Area contest (which will include both International and table topics) is on Monday, April 5, so we are planning to send at least one table topic speaker. We could also select a member to participate in the International contest, provided they have completed six speeches by that time.

Krystyna will be the next toastmaster on February 25, with Don presenting table topics. We have openings for most roles, so sign up on if you would. If you can’t edit the Duty Roster, please e-mail me or Don Lyman. I understand that the option to edit may not show up on everyone’s page. The password is “letmein” which is kind of like Chinese LoMein, but tastier.

Best Regards,

Dan Pratt

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Triskelion Meeting Notes - February 11, 2010

It's Fabulous February and the Triskelion Toastmaster Club celebrated appropriately with chocolates and sparkling cider. Toastmaster Connie Pshigoda opened the meeting with light-hearted comments on the numerous events celebrated this month. Some noteworthy dates include: Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Winter Olympics, Chinese New Year, President's Day, American Heart Month and Leap Year.

The Word of the Day was: effulgence (ih-FULL-junss) a noun meaning radiant splendor; brilliance.

Krystyna gave her 6th speech from the Competent Toastmaster Manual, titled: Education of Roman Boys During the Roman Empire. Part of their education included Orator School. The art of public speaking was a highly valued skill then as it is today.  Dan Pratt evaluated this speech.

We listened to part 3 of an audio speech by Rory Vaden . . . completing his Take the Stairs campaign promoting success in speaking, careers, health, finances and life.

Table Topics were presented by Doris Andersen. Participants were asked to select a budget and mode of transportation to create their ideal Valentine Get-a-way.  There was a 3-way tie for the winning speech.

New member, Tony Pollack was initiated into the Triskelion Club and received his official TM pin.

Please join us next week for more exciting speeches, Table Topics and inspiring conversation!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Triskelion Toastmasters - Meeting Notes February 4, 2010

Fellow toastmasters,

Thursdays meeting was a very engaging affair.  Toastmaster Don shared with us some moving locker room speeches by Knute Rockne and Bear Bryant; and one not so moving speech by Gary Barnett.  Humorist Doris amused us with the football watching habits of her husband (I can relate).  The word of the day was "austere".

Connie came out of the gates with her first speech from the "Humorously Speaking" manual.  She warmed up the audience with tales of stupid criminals.  She then showed how some very smart thieves discovered ways to fight the bubonic plague as they robbed graves.  She left us with a very useful remedy for fighting illness adapted from the thieves' formulas.

We then listened to part 2 of 3 of Rory Vaden's speech "Take the Stairs".  Rory helped us see how sacrifice and persistence are keys to success.

Dan won the table topics contest by drawing wisdom from both the Rolling Stones and The Who.

We have a new member!  Please welcome Tony to the club.  We have an old member!  Nathan joined us this week and it was great to see him too.

We need all roles filled for next week.  I'll make you a deal: if you fill a role, so will I.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Triskelion Toastmaster Meeting Notes - January 28, 2010

Connie Pshigoda, served today's meeting as Toastmaster and welcomed members and two visitors. Terry Martin and Mike Gutzmer from Mutual of Omaha were today's guests.

Member Dan Pratt provided a recorded version of Rory Vaden's winning speech on steps to success. As a club exercise in strengthening our evaluating skills, each member gave a 60-second evaluation on the speech. TM  Connie Pshigoda cited from a Toastmaster magazine "The 3-R's of Evaluating: Review, Reward and Respond.

Member Gary Fuller provided Table Topics with the theme "Qualities of Leadership"  asking speakers to define dynamic determination and intellectual flexibility. Guest Terry Martin won the award for Best Table  Topic presenter.

The Word of the Day: abscond---to depart secretly; to steal away and hide oneself.  "All members and guests wholeheartedly participated in the Toastmaster activities. . . none absconded to avoid taking the lectern."

As always, we miss those who were absent and look forward to seeing you next week when Don Lyman will lead the meeting as Toastmaster.