Thursday, June 26, 2008

Meeting Notes - June 26th 2008

Gardening was Connie's theme for today's meeting.  The meeting was short yet constructive, with ample opportunity for all to speak.
Eric Wales shared his views on the power of referrals in business.  Eric noted how many people treat referrals as a cheap commodity, when in fact an hortative referral is a strong statement of trust that should be handled with appropriate care.
Karen Lang followed the speech and Dave Trzupek's evaluation with table topics.  All attendees participated and shared with the group a personal "WOW" moment they have experienced.
If you did not make today's meeting, but have a WOW moment to share, type it into the comments below.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fwd: Humor and announcements

Just for laughs
A lady dropped her handbag in the bustle of weekend shopping. An honest, little boy noticed her drop the handbag, so he picked it up and returned it to her.

The lady looked into her handbag and commented, "Hmm.... That's funny. When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it. Now there are twenty $1 bills."

The boy quickly replied, "That's right, lady. The last time I found a purse, the owner didn't have any change for a reward."


1. Club Social
Dont' forget about the upcoming club social!
Club Pot Luck
Connie Pshigoda is hosting.  Come one, come all! 
July 27
6 p.m.

Please RSVP.

2.  Officers Meeting
Just a reminder that our first 2008 officer's meeting will be held after the regular club meeting on July 3rd.

3.  Roles

Roles are filled for next week.  However if you want to sign up in advance for one of the following weeks please let me know and we'll get you on the books.



Meeing summary 6-19-08

Today's meeting "Economize & Thrive" was fun and dynamic as everyone creatively brainstormed ways of economizing in order to thrive with the rising cost of living.

Table topics master Eric P. challenged us with theme-related questions. Dave T. won Table Topics for his "lights out" answer, speaker Gary Fuller told us how to be a coach-leader and Don Lindgren spoke on gratitude. Both speeches were winners, but Gary walked away with the hardware.

Ms. Pshigoda ever so adeptly oversaw evaluations and sized up the meeting, while Mike A. and Deron W. offered their pearls of wisdom tips to speakers. Mike A. won best evaluator. Connie and Janet color-coordinated their pink colored that's meeing planning at its best. Our word of the day "penurious" matched the theme perfectly, thanks to Jullie Williams.

Toastmaster Janet Reese was grateful to everyone who participated and planned the program. We laughed, learned and economized today...what more can you ask for? See you next week!

June 26 meeting roles:

Toastmaster - Connie Pshigoda
Speaker 1 - Eric Wales
Speaker 2 - Eric Peterson
Evaluator 1 - Dave T.
Evaluator 2 - Julie Williams
Table topics - Karen Lang
General Evaluator - Mike Roth
Word of the Day - Dan Pratt
Timer - Mike Angel
Ah-counter - Janet Reese
Grammarian - open (contact Connie to fill)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Meeting notes

Meeting Notes

A guy walks in a bar, and buys a huge beer. Then he sees someone he knows, and decides to go and say Hi ! to them, but he does not want to take his beer mug with him. So he keeps it on a table, along with a note "I spit in this beer" thinking that no one will drink it.

Upon return, he sees another note saying "Me too!"

Roles for next week:
Toastmaster:  Janet
Word of the Day:  Julie
Speaker 1: Gary
Speaker 2:  Don Lindgren
GE - Connie
Eval 1:  Mike Angell
Eval 2:  Deron
Table Topics: Eric Peterson
Grammarian: Dan
Ah Counter: Dave
Timer: Mike Roth

Now accepting volunteers for roles on June 26th too!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2008

Thursday, June Fifth
a cool, foggy day
rain droplets were pouring
along our path way

Misty gray skies
excited, charged air
as luminous feelings
floated through air

Toastmaster today
was Eric the Red
He lead our grand meeting
As speeches were read

And with a keen wit
Gary Fuller arose
to address leadership
in eloquent prose

Followed soon after
by Dave Trzupek's word
"Strive to be better"
was the message we heard

Janet and I
gave evaluations,
tips and suggestions,
for loud ovations

Table Topics were next
Janet lead us with force
with humor and fun
yes, par for the course

Roles are all filled
for the coming week
We can't wait to hear
Some more Toastmasters speak


Thursday June 5, 2008 Triskelion Toastmasters Meeting Notes

Thursday June 5, 2008 Triskelion Toastmasters Meeting Notes


Toastmaster Eric Peterson tried to raise our batting average with some baseball trivia.  Janet Reese gave us the word “timeraiser” which I thought would mean that if you can do something in one minute, I’ll tell you I can do it in five.  We welcomed our newest member, Julie, who filled in as timer.


Two excellent speeches were given today.  Former club president Gary Fuller improved our “vision” with a lesson on leadership, and Dave Tzrupek gave us room for improvement in his speech “Becoming Better.”  With that speech, he completed his first manual.  Congratulations, Dave!


President-elect Mike Angell said he would make no decision tonight regarding his candidacy, except that he spuriously offered Gary honorarium (a.k.a, payola or bribe) for Gary’s shameless promotion of Mike’s mission statement.  The president-elect said that ultimately, he would do whatever is best for the party (or club).  Gary won best speaker.  (There were rumors circulating that some money may have exchanged hands for that to occur – I’m just saying.  Eric, our current president counted the votes.)


Janet presented table topics on the theme of “summer” and we got various “summeries” of how members would spend their time.  Congrats to Mikael Roth for winning the trophy with his description of his involvement in a wedding last week (not his).


Worth noting: Janet filled three roles – TT Master, Evaluator (voted best), and WOD presenter – Thank you!  As a result, she will get three times as much money as if she had only filled one role.  Way to step up to the plate and raise your time!


Now, tell me this – if Gary gets offered $20 for a little speech, why does Mike Angell’s dad only get a cheap (he didn’t necessarily say it would be new) razor for Father’s Day?  His dad only spent half a day repairing Mike’s hot water heater.  It shows you the value of Toastmasters.


Thanks to all for an inspiring meeting, and not a timewaster.  Next meeting, we may have to discuss corruption in government.  (Just kidding!)



Dan Pratt
I&C Designer
Shaw Stone & Webster
9201 E. Dry Creek Road
Centennial, CO  80112

303-741-7269 direct
303-741-7586 fax


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Meeting Notes - May 29th

Eric Wales was our toastmaster for the first time and did a wonderful inaugural run at leading us in our meeting last Thursday. Eric entertained us with anecdotes about Wind Power Generation in between other roles taking front and center. 

Nick Samoylov was our first speaker and used songs as examples for his speech, quite a difference between marching songs and jazz. Nick was evaluated by Dan Pratt our Sergeant At Arms. 

Karen Lang was our second speakers and wove an imaginative yarn about her visit to China and Chinese manufacturing. Karen was evaluated by Janet Reese who told Karen the story made Janet want to go visit China. 

Tables Topics were conducted by Don Lyman and were a variety of questions such as "What was the most memorable thing you did in a summer?"

General Evaluator was Eric Peterson. 

Grammarian was Connie Pshigoda, who comforted Nick Samoylov about his "English as a second language", saying that his grammatical imperfections, while normally a no-no with Toastmasters, in Nick's case should be forgiven and considered part of his character and charm.

WOD was intercoastal waterway buoy, which no one could figure out how to put in a sentence during table topics.

Over all a fun and interesting meeting with a new Guest who wants to join soon.