Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Meeting Notes - May 29th

Eric Wales was our toastmaster for the first time and did a wonderful inaugural run at leading us in our meeting last Thursday. Eric entertained us with anecdotes about Wind Power Generation in between other roles taking front and center. 

Nick Samoylov was our first speaker and used songs as examples for his speech, quite a difference between marching songs and jazz. Nick was evaluated by Dan Pratt our Sergeant At Arms. 

Karen Lang was our second speakers and wove an imaginative yarn about her visit to China and Chinese manufacturing. Karen was evaluated by Janet Reese who told Karen the story made Janet want to go visit China. 

Tables Topics were conducted by Don Lyman and were a variety of questions such as "What was the most memorable thing you did in a summer?"

General Evaluator was Eric Peterson. 

Grammarian was Connie Pshigoda, who comforted Nick Samoylov about his "English as a second language", saying that his grammatical imperfections, while normally a no-no with Toastmasters, in Nick's case should be forgiven and considered part of his character and charm.

WOD was intercoastal waterway buoy, which no one could figure out how to put in a sentence during table topics.

Over all a fun and interesting meeting with a new Guest who wants to join soon.


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