Thursday, June 5, 2008

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2008

Thursday, June Fifth
a cool, foggy day
rain droplets were pouring
along our path way

Misty gray skies
excited, charged air
as luminous feelings
floated through air

Toastmaster today
was Eric the Red
He lead our grand meeting
As speeches were read

And with a keen wit
Gary Fuller arose
to address leadership
in eloquent prose

Followed soon after
by Dave Trzupek's word
"Strive to be better"
was the message we heard

Janet and I
gave evaluations,
tips and suggestions,
for loud ovations

Table Topics were next
Janet lead us with force
with humor and fun
yes, par for the course

Roles are all filled
for the coming week
We can't wait to hear
Some more Toastmasters speak


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