Sunday, February 21, 2010

Triskelion Toastmasters Meeting Notes - February 18, 2010

Fellow Toastmasters,

We were pleased to have two speakers at our last meeting. Tony Pollack gave his icebreaker speech and we got to know him better. He has a wonderful family and career, but with advanced responsibilities in his job, he’s looking to advance his presentation skills. He knows pressure, though, as he told of his courtship of his wife, whose father is a prominent Colorado politician. Welcome, Tony!

Don Lyman was our second speaker, and inspired us with a hero’s story. Although the story was about a mythical character, the principles taught can have relevance in our lives. He challenged us to develop qualities that would allow us to meet the call to adventure, to seek a mentor, take action and not deviate from the ultimate goal. This was Don’s 10th speech, so he will be moving on to the advanced manuals. Congratulations!

Our evaluators were Krystyna Noworytta and Gary Fuller.

Krystyna presented table topics, which were based on the Olympics. What kind of flying vegetable would you like to be?

Tony won best speaker and Gary won both best evaluator and table topic speaker.

Although we didn’t have a formal vote, it seems that everyone agrees that we should have meetings every other week – probably on the first and third Thursdays. Anyone who strongly objects should contact Connie. I plan on occupying our normal room at least for the next few months during the normally scheduled time, but won’t set up all the props. I would be glad to sponsor mentoring or practice sessions for anyone wanting to use the room for that.

I announced that we would have a table topic speech contest, probably on March 18. The Area contest (which will include both International and table topics) is on Monday, April 5, so we are planning to send at least one table topic speaker. We could also select a member to participate in the International contest, provided they have completed six speeches by that time.

Krystyna will be the next toastmaster on February 25, with Don presenting table topics. We have openings for most roles, so sign up on if you would. If you can’t edit the Duty Roster, please e-mail me or Don Lyman. I understand that the option to edit may not show up on everyone’s page. The password is “letmein” which is kind of like Chinese LoMein, but tastier.

Best Regards,

Dan Pratt

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