Thursday, June 4, 2009

Meeting Notes - 04 June 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How I Plan to Spend My Summer Vacation

Well, we gallivanted (roamed about for pleasure without any definite plan) as it turns out and took twists and turns in our vocal voyage.

Connie Pshigoda gave an award for outstanding physical fitness and devotion to helping others achieve their goals. I had no idea I was such a great a person, but Connie was so convincing, I had to accept. (Loved the trophy.)

Julie Williams convinced us to outsource our resources (I’m hiring her to write all of my speeches from now on). She used a phrase rarely heard nowadays: “on time and under budget.”

Don Lyman evaluated Connie’s speech and Ed Johnson evaluated Julie’s speech.

Then Ed, with such a strong desire to educate our members as to what a hot potato speech, gave us a heated tubular discussion and technical analysis of the elevated kinetics of the lowly tater. He was HOT, and I don’t mean necessarily physically attractive to me, but I think everyone enjoyed his spud-of-the-moment presentation.

Julie Williams (also double-dipping into the role pool) presented table topics. One of our guests (Laura) tied with Dave Trzupek for best answer. Their topics were based on coinage that Julie forgot to leave with the Treasurer.

Kudos go to Gary Fuller for his very comprehensive grammar report, and also to Julie for best speech and Ed Johnson for his evaluation.

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