Sunday, February 15, 2009

Meeting Notes - 12 February 2009

February 12, 2009

Toastmaster Connie Pshigoda opened the meeting with Chocolate trivia . . .although chocolate is not a trivial indulgence!

Todd Rys gave his second speech from the Competent Speaker Manual titled: "Disneyland is for Kids." Our club plans to join Todd & his family on their Disney journey in May. (just kidding, Todd)

Guest, John Mager entertained and enlightened us with an impromptu speech about his search for a Toastmaster Club and took the winning speech honor.

Evaluators, Dan Pratt and Gary Fuller gave insight to all in improving speaking skill and ability.

Krystyna dealt the cards for Table Topics and Mike Angell won . . .hands down!
Thanks to all who helped make this another successful meeting! Dark Chocolate with Chili & Cherries and Chocolate Girl Scout cookies may become the new meeting staple!

Mike Angell will be the TM next week so please email him with the role you wish to fill. Have a great week!

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