Thursday, August 9, 2007

Meeting Minutes for August 9th

Paul "powerhouse" Sadowski reprised his role as TM

Vocabulary Dose
Word of the Day:
Cindy "Obligate"

Speakers Grandiose:

Eric and Mike Angell did the same speech: Speech 1 from the Entertaining speakers manual.
Eric "discussed" the new company dress code.
Mike wrote a "scientific" study of life on the beach
Eric got more laughs, but only because he was funnier. ;-)

The Whipping Post

Gary "Grandslam" Fuller
Mike "straight and narrow" Stablien

Table Topics: Truthful ... almost
Our Table Topics Master was none other Cindy Castilow.

Wizard of Ahs
Dan Pratt, Grammarian, Ah counter, Timer

Toast Host:
Gary brought his father in law John as a guest

Toasts who can boast the most:
Award winners
Best Speaker - Eric
Best Eval - Gary
Best Table Topics - 3 way tie. Don't ask me how

Toasts at their Post! Meeting assigments for next week
Cindy Toastmaster
Eric Evaluator
Mike Stablien - Tall Tales contestant

Still need
Speaker, evaluator, tall tales contestants,
Tall Tales contest - Area "Tall Tales Contest" is coming up. Open to all




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