Paul Sadowski stepped in and led the meeting as the day's Toastmaster. We listened to two speeches both from the advanced manual, Speeches by Management.
Guido Sullam gave his first speech with our club. Guido's presentation was on Risk Management. The presentation outlined an approach to measuring and prioritizing risk, followed by methods to address the risks.
Cary Bradley gave a speech on social responsibility standards. International Organization for Standards is developing the standards for social responsibility under topic number ISO 26,000.
The contestants for best speech received equal votes. Votes were split equally for the best evaluators as well. Everyone did an equally good job.
Eric Peterson split the prizes into equal parts and distributed to the co-winners.The TableTopics challenge was to support or defend such feckless propositions as, "Luster improving shampoo's should be banned from pet show competitions," or "Prize monies should be equal between winners of cat shows and dog shows." Mike Biggs took first prize for his argument supporting, "Cameras should be installed in Wash Park to stop speeding joggers."
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