Thursday, May 17, 2007

Good luck and good bye to Jenny...

Jenny Tybor, has taken a job that is intruding on her further participation with our club. While we are happy for her, we are sad for ourselves. Jenny did give credit to our group for her confidence in the job interview process. We wish Jenny luck, and hope she enjoys the new challenge. Mike Angell has shared his thoughts on Jenny's move with us....

An Ode to Jenny
An Ode to Jenny
Little Red Riding Hood
She was part of our club
at least while she could
Red headed Jenny
so sweet and so fair
We'll miss you at the meetings
We'll wish you were there
But tears of sorrow
become tears of joy!
Yes, we're happy for you
and your new employ
Health food and such
keeping us fit
Nutrition and such
You've got a knack for it
Jenny, Jenny
Don't forget us
Heck, join another club
if you wish to respect us
Jenny Jenny
Don't be a stranger
You're welcome anytime
We'll see you later


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