Thursday, May 21, 2009

Toastmasters Meeting Notes - 5/21/2009

Today's meeting was another fine gathering and a great way to spend the lunch hour.

Don served as Toastmaster and chose a "My Fair Lady" theme for the meeting. We will honor our fallen heroes coming up on Monday, but did you know that May 20th is Eliza Doolittle Day?

Connie presented her 2nd speech from the Advanced Communication Series--Special Occasion Speeches. Today's project was Speaking in Praise. She honored Ralph C. Smedley... founder of Toastmasters. Her speech gave all of us new insights into Ralph's history and was a great introduction for our guests Al and Steve. Gary served as General Evaluator and Dan evaluated Connie's speech.

Carolyn was our Table Topics Master. She chose a theme of "life questions". She hit us with questions such as: What song describes your life? Tell about a recent time when you helped a stranger. Tell us about an event that changed your life. If you could invent one thing to help the world what would it be? Tell us about a movie that made you cry. What makes you feel close to nature.

Connie and Gary tied for best Table Topic. Connie would invent a potion that would soothe the butterflies that we ToastMasters get. Gary related to us how his marriage was a life changing event. Dan chose Tom Petty's "Into the Great Wide Open" as his theme song since he is “a rebel without a clue.”

Linda provide a fun word of the day: toady.

Next week we have officer speeches and elections. Our esteemed President, Mike, will preside over the meeting. Please make it a priority to attend.

I leave you with a quote from "My Fair Lady":

Colonel Pickering: Have you NO morals, man?
Alfred P. Doolittle: Nah. Nah, can't afford 'em guv'nor. Neither could you, if you was as poor as me.

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