Friday, December 5, 2008

Meeting Notes - 4 December 2008

The Holiday Season is in full swing. That means much partying and roistering about.

The Triskelion Toastmaster's meeting on the 4th was no exception. We were all treated to speeches by Mike Angel and Brendan McMillan. Mike gave an advanced speech on how to be a Distinguished Toastmaster. Brendan gave his Ice-Breaker speech. Both speeches were very enjoyable and well presented.

The theme of the evening was "Holiday Parties" and Table Topics followed on that thread. Our members acquitted themselves well in answering question such as: "How do you politely decline a Holiday Party invitation from your boss?"; Or, "How do you include people of various religious traditions?; Or, "How do you handle a situation where your bosses wife is a little too friendly with you? The answers were clever, enlightening, and entertaining.

Up next week we have a near full slate of speaking engagements and a few openings for others to step into:

Toastmaster: Don Lyman
General Evaluator: Deron White

Word of the Day: Linda Holm

Dave Trzupek
Connie Pshigoda

Mike Angel

Table Topics: Julie Williams

Ah Counter/Grammarian: Dan Pratt
Timer: TBD

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