Thursday, August 30, 2007

Meeting Minutes - August 30th

Meeting Theme: New Beginnings

Your Toast host: Gary Fuller

Word of the Day
Vocabulary Dose: Infuse

Special Guests:
New Member: Heidi

Orators Grandiose:
Karen "always leave 'em wanting more" Lang
Nick "The Raven" Samoylov

The Whipping Post:
Mike Stablien
Eric Peterson

Table Topics
Janet Reese

Toasts who can boast the most
Best Speaker Karen
Best Evaluator Mike Stablien
Best Table Topics Mike Angell

Nick wowed us with an interpretive reading of Edgar Allen Poe's classic "The Raven". Karen gave her Ice breaker. She told us how much she likes her husband, her faith and her job as a behavioral expert. Mike explained how his parents moved away in a sneaky plan tofinally get him out of their house.

Joke of the Day :-D
A man is having a really bad day on the golf course. By the 14th hole, he's missed one putt too many, and he lets loose with a string of profanities, grabs his putter, and storms off toward the lake by the 15th tee.

"Uh-oh," says his caddie to one of his playing partners, "There goes that club."

"You think so?" said the other golfer. "I've got five bucks says he misses the water."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Meeting Minutes - August 23rd

Triskelion Toastmasters
Meeting Minutes

Toastmaster Your Toast Host: John "coming through in the clutch" Wierzba

Vocabulary Dose: Word of the Day "Diligence"

Orators Grandiose: Speakers
Nick and Eric both gave humorous speeches. Nick discussed his latest escapade to the Ukraine. Banking is a little different there. He handed the teller a large bag of cash. She said "thank you" and threw it in the safe. She gave no receipt. "Come back tomorrow at 9:00" was all he got. Eric told us to "stay in school" :)

The Whipping Post - Evaluators:
Deron and Janet

Most Verbose Boasts: Table Topics by Nate
Topicers included Eric, Karen, Mike A., Gary and our guest Steve

Toasts who can boast the Most: Awards
Best Speaker: Nick
Best Evaluator: Janet
Best Table Topics: Steve

Joke of the day:
Three weeks after her wedding day, Joanna called her mom.
"Mom," she wailed, "John and I had a DREADFUL fight!"
"Calm down, my child," said the mom, "it's not half as bad as you think it is. Every marriage has to have its first fight!" "I know, I know!" said Joanna, "but what am I going to do with the BODY!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Meeting Minutes - August 16th

Your Toast Host
Cindy "Can I catch a break?" Castilow

Vocabulary Dose
Word of the day - "missing"  adjective  "not present"  :-)

Speaker Grandiose
Deron White - "Uncle Charlie and the snowblower"

The Whipping Post
Evaluator John Wierzba

Strange and Verbose
Table Topics Dave Truzpek

Contestants Arose - Tall Tales Contestants
Eric Peterson
Deron White
Mike Stablien
Mike Angell

Toasts who can boast the most
Best Table topics - Gary
Best Evaluator - John Wierzba
Best Tall Tale - Mike Angell

See you next week :-)


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Meeting Minutes for August 9th

Paul "powerhouse" Sadowski reprised his role as TM

Vocabulary Dose
Word of the Day:
Cindy "Obligate"

Speakers Grandiose:

Eric and Mike Angell did the same speech: Speech 1 from the Entertaining speakers manual.
Eric "discussed" the new company dress code.
Mike wrote a "scientific" study of life on the beach
Eric got more laughs, but only because he was funnier. ;-)

The Whipping Post

Gary "Grandslam" Fuller
Mike "straight and narrow" Stablien

Table Topics: Truthful ... almost
Our Table Topics Master was none other Cindy Castilow.

Wizard of Ahs
Dan Pratt, Grammarian, Ah counter, Timer

Toast Host:
Gary brought his father in law John as a guest

Toasts who can boast the most:
Award winners
Best Speaker - Eric
Best Eval - Gary
Best Table Topics - 3 way tie. Don't ask me how

Toasts at their Post! Meeting assigments for next week
Cindy Toastmaster
Eric Evaluator
Mike Stablien - Tall Tales contestant

Still need
Speaker, evaluator, tall tales contestants,
Tall Tales contest - Area "Tall Tales Contest" is coming up. Open to all


