Past officers--thank you for your leadership in making 2006-07 a stellar, Distinguished (and beyond) Club year! Past officers: President Gary Fuller, Membership VP Connie Pshigoda, Treasurer Mike Angel, Public Relations VP Deron White, and Education VP Mike Biggs.
Wecome and congratulations, new 2007-08 Triskelion Toastmasters club officers!
President - Eric Peterson
VP-Education - Deron White
Secretary/Treasurer - Mike Angel
VP-Membership - Nick Samoylov
VP-Public Relations - Dave Trzupek
Sergeant at Arms - Mike Stablein
Also, a warm welcome to our newest members Karen Lang and Tracy Goodman.
Toastmaster Eric Peterson commenced the meeting with today's word of the day, "commence" (to initiate, start), which most participants managed to use.
In his entertaining speech, Mike Angel told us "Where he's from" starting in 50 BC to present day, all in 8 minutes! His two-year-long search for his family tree culminated in his speech.
John Wierzba evaluated Mike's speech, drawing on what Mike learned from giving his first 10 speeches. Mike scored an "A".
Karen Lang presented table topics, prompting us to talk about our passions. From the Denver Broncos to Nascar, to horseback riding, synchronized swimming and singing, our members are interesting people doing interesting things. Nathan Wilkes's sky diving drama won best table topics award.
General evaluator Nick Samoylov reviewed the meeting and made suggestions for next time. Tip: Before you leave the lecturn, shake hands with the presiding toastmaster, table topics master or general evaluator. This will ensure there's always someone at the lecturn.
As always, our meeting was filled with a lot of variety and laughs while we applied our public speaking skills.
Next week, July 5, there will be no meeting due to the July 4 holiday. Our next meeting will be July 12, 11:35 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
July 12 meeting roles:
TM: Deron White
Speakers: Dave T., Mike S.
Evaluators: Gary Fuller, Eric Peterson
Table Topics: Nick S.
General Evaluator: Mike A.
Word of the day: Tracy G.
Timer: open
Grammarian, ah-counter: open
See you July 12!